Roofing InspectionsIf you are buying a new home or concerned about your current home a home roofing inspection from Pittsburgh Roofing can professionally evaluate your roof, gutters, windows and skylights.
Our certified Roofing Experts come with years of experience and know how to identify possible roof leak problems, ice dam situations and worn or torn shingles. We offer you the most thorough roof inspection in Pittsburgh and aim to help you find the best solution that provides you with a quality roof repair and is within your roofing budget. Pittsburgh Rooofing offer the following roofing inspection service: - Attic conditions – Is the Attic sealed, weatherized and free from varmint? - Blisters – Do the Shingles lay flat or is there wind, sun or water damage due to improper installation or poor roofing quality? - Chimney Flashing- Is the flashing around the Chimney or smoke stack on your home or business working properly? Is there a leak around the flu? - Condensation from HVAC equipment – We check for signs or moisture in your home and in your attack to ensure there is no dangerous mold growth. - Corrosion- Our roofing inspectors in Pittsburgh look for all signs of corrosion on top of and underneath your house covering and alongside the edges. - Deterioration – Roofing Inspectors are trained and knowledgeable in identifying insect damage and deterioration. They are also skilled in identify signs of bat or other rodent infestations and can quickly alert you to any problems along with roofing damage sustained. - Drainage issues – A proper draining roof protects your home foundation from deteriorating and from water destroying the interior walls and ceilings of your home. Roof Leaks need repair professionally and quickly to prevent any long term damages to your home or business property. - Hail and wind damage – Hail often will cause damage to metal roofing leaving an unpleasant or unaesthetic appeal. If your metal roof sustains damage call us now! Even regular shingled roofs can suffer substantial damage from high winds and hail and can open your home up to the elements of Mother Nature. - Manufacturer defects – We hate to see this roofing problem but know how to handle it when we do. Sometimes, a bad lot of shingles, tile or roofing materials comes along and ruins your day. If you run into roofing problems due to a manufacturer defect, Pittsburgh Roofing will work with you and the Manufacturer to properly care for the situation. If necessary, we also are very diligent and capable of working with you and your insurance company to document damages and roofing estimates. - Mechanical damage – Damage from trees, antennas and more can all cause roofing problems on your Pittsburgh property. Letting mechanical roof damage go ignored can go from a small to a very large problem quickly. Don’t let your property become exposed to elements that can destroy your property value. - Membrane tears and punctures – The interior membrane below your shingles or roofing material in Pittsburgh, PA, can become torn or punctured from animals, interior damage or falling debris such as branches from large overhanging trees. If you suspect a membrane tear on your roof, call us today and let us investigate. - Moisture infiltration – Moisture is the home’s enemy. By allowing moisture to seep into your home from a damaged roof, you allow for an ample space of materials and air for dangerous mold to grow. Mold remediation in Pittsburgh can be extremely costly and can literally kill you or your family. - Mold and Algae – Black Mold, red and green algae all take safe harbor in places where moisture is sealed within and air is not as prevalent. Roof Leaks and damage create the perfect environment for mold and algae to grow and cause damage to you health and home. - Shingles that are; missing, buckling or curled. Whether caused by a manufacturer roofing defect, improper roofing installation or old age, our roofing inspectors in Pittsburgh, PA can identify and issue a prescription to rectify your roofing damage quickly. - Skylight flashing – One of the most annoying things about beautiful skylights in your home is when the flashing around the skylight leaks. This causes aesthetic, as well as structural damage to you home and makes for a really unpleasant time every time it rains. Call our roofing company as soon as you see any indicators of your skylight leaking in Pittsburgh. - Structural damage- Many of the items on this list can cause minor or major roof damage. Even snowstorms and ice can cause irreparable damage to your house or business roof. As soon as you know something has destroyed your roof, call our Pittsburgh Roofing Company to prevent any further damages to your home. - Tenting – Roof Tenting can cause many problems and is easily identified by our Pittsburgh Roofing Inspection Teams. - Ventilation – Improper ventilation of your Pittsburgh Roof can lead to moisture problems and damage in your home. When a roof does not properly ventilate, the seasonal changes can cause damage and discomfort to you and your family along with destroying your property value. - Water leaks and staining - Finding a leak in your ceiling can be devastating because of the roof stain or water stains on the ceiling it leaves behind. Call us now before it's too late! Our Pittsburgh Roofing Inspection professionals can help you find the culprit and fix it pronto! |